About Us

We are Farming Minds.

We Are Farming Minds is a registered charity, set up to help raise mental health awareness in the rural communities of Herefordshire and support the wellbeing of farmers across the land.

Farming is hard. Isolation, long hours and pressures outside of your control can cause anxiety and depression. But while poor mental health in farming is 46% higher than in other occupations, rural communities have less access to support. We aim to change that.

The Team

Sam Stables

Sam Stables

Founder and Charity Director
Emily Stables

Emily Stables

Founder and Charity Director

Our Story

We are Farming Minds was established by Herefordshire farming couple, Sam and Emily Stables.

It was inspired by their own personal experience and their journey to overcome the stigma and lack of support for mental health in the farming community.

Our mission

To take the bull by the horns to tackle mental health in the Herefordshire farming community.

We aim to reach out to the farming community to break down stigma, open up support and say to every farmer ‘you are not alone’.

Support we offer:

  • Provide 24 hour support through our dedicated support line
  • Provide funding for professional counselling if required
  • Provide FREE mental health training to individuals and professionals in the farming community
  • Provide resources and advice for further help
  • Provide social events to combat isolation and bring farmers together
  • Provide reassurance through personal experience that things can and will get better
  • Provide a befriending service for people that are lonely or isolated